Slightly turnt, mostly chill, always ready.

Note to self - Chapter Thirty True

JeJ -

You are a solid 32yrs young today. You've experienced laughter, heartbreak, death, birth, triumph, failure & everything in between. For this next trip around the sun, let's stay anchored in being true to you. Yea, living YOUR truth. Unapologetically. Without a mask. Without fear. Shoot every shot, climb those mountains, remember to play.

Continue placing bets on yourself. Finding peace with yourself. Loving yourself.

Meet people where they're at (even if that means you have to leave them there). The bar you're setting for yourself is not too high. You know that. Your tribe knows that. Anyone who doesn't get need not apply.

Be kind to yourself. Share the w's and the l's. Keep your passions burning.

Remember who are you are. Hija de Cleotilde, Rene, Gary y Toña. Ñieta de Elena y Marcelino.

You got this. You always have. Stay true.

Te amo. Happy birthday. JM.